How Our Give $15 Get $15 Referral Program Works
Would you like to earn $15 while sharing the Flourish products you love with your friends? When they purchase for the first time, they will get a $15 discount to get started.
When referring friends:
- Go to your Points/Loyalty page to find your customized referral code (you have to have placed at least one order to have this link).
- Copy your unique referral link, paste it in an email to your friends and tell them they will get a $15 discount when they create an account. You can provide them with this link: which will take them directly to the steps they need to follow.
- Once a friend has purchased, you will have 150 rewards points in your account that you can apply to get $15 off on your next order
Step #1: Click on the link in the email that will take you to our homepage. Click on Login to create an account
Step #2: Create your account HERE by adding an email address and password in the right "Register" column.
Step #3: Click on shop, and then choose the category you want to explore. Select your products and add them to the cart.
Step #4: Hover over Cart in the top right, then click on "View Cart" and see your discount applied underneath your cart total.